Speakers Bureau

MHNI offers nationally- and internationally-recognized medical experts in headache, head and neck pain and chronic pain management for speaking engagements at business, civic, community, education, conferences and wellness events.

Potential Topics for Our Experienced Speakers and Presenters

  • Women & Headache
  • Children, Adolescents and Headache
  • Travel & Headache
  • Holidays, Weddings, Special Events and Headache
  • What the National Pain Care Policy Act means for Chronic Pain Suffers
  • Stress & Headaches
  • Managing Pain without Medications
  • “It’s all in your head” … Living and supporting a chronic headache sufferer
  • Food & Headache – Know your triggers
  • Depression and Pain - Is There a Correlation?
  • Use of BotoxTM for Headache and Pain Disorders

MHNI Experts

Joel Saper, M.D., F.A.A.N.
Board-certified neurologist and pain management specialist is founder of the Michigan Headache & Neurological Institute. Dr. Saper is a national and international speaker, author of eight books and hundreds of journal articles, a leading researcher in headache and pain management, and has been featured on NBC News 20/20, in Newsweek, LIFE magazine, People and Redbook and the Detroit Free Press.

Mary Tobias, R.N.
As MHNI’s Clinical Coordinator, Mary Tobias, R.N. is responsible for coordinating quality assurance and patient satisfaction activities while supporting the MHNI director in his role at MHNI and St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea. Ms. Tobias joined MHNI in 1990.

Alvin Lake III, Ph.D.
Dr. Alvin Lake III is MHNI’s senior behavioral psychologist and director of the Behavioral Medicine Division. Dr. Lake is a national and international speaker and educator. He is responsible for developing and administering MHNI’s psychological program, including patient evaluations, psychotherapy, psychometric evaluations, biofeedback and ongoing research into the effects and safety of headache medications.