Migraine with Basilar Features
Some attacks of migraine with aura involve the brainstem or stalk of the brain. The area is served by the basilar artery which results from the convergence of the two vertebral arteries coming up from the neck. In the past, migraine associated with symptoms from the brain stem area was referred to as basilar migraine, but that term is no longer favorable. Instead migraine aura attacks involving the brainstem are referred to as migraine with basilar features. Because neural circuits converge in the narrow space of the brainstem, brainstem dysfunction are often bilateral and involve a variety of symptoms ranging from motor and sensory impairment, one-sided or both sides, double vision, losses of consciousness, vertigo and others that are associated with brainstem dysfunction. Migraine with basilar features is indeed a form of migraine with aura, but the location of the dysfunction and symptoms involves the brain stalk or brainstem